In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces.
This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth.
This past week I had my appointment with the endocrinologist, my levels were really only borderline hypertension and I had more blood drawn. The tech that drew my blood was horrible, it was the most painful blood draw I had. I guess this bloodwork will tell them if my thyroid is just from the pregnancy and will go away after the birth or if my pregnancy triggered an ongoing thyroid condition. Kinda cool that they can tell which it is from bloodwork. I have a follow-up appointment next week and they will check the bloodwork and perform a neck ultrasound to see the thyroid. I also got my results back from my NT bloodwork, it came back negative but they would like to see me back for a second blood draw the baby's NT measurement was on the high side of normal and they want to be sure it wasn't a false negative. I have my next OB appointment on Monday and I will talk to her and see if this second blood draw is really necessary. So my week is full of appointments :/
I was so excited today, at my last appointment we tried to hear the baby's heartbeat with the doppler but had no success. I was only 11wks but it was hard not to stress out about it. I felt better since the next week we had the NT u/s and were able to see baby moving all around. Today however we heard his little heartbeat on the doppler, took her only seconds to find it, and it was amazing. It sure made my day. The top of my uterus is a few cm's below my belly button right where it should be at this point. Just an overall relaxing appointment :) No weight gain since last appointment but my OB is not worried at this point. I asked her about my EDD and if it would be changing since LO has been measuring a week ahead at every u/s, she didnt want to change the date, so it looks like my EDD will be staying at 10/03/10.
How far along: 14 weeks (going by 10/3 edd)
Weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes?: Nope, I think most of my maternity clothes are actually going to be a larger size of clothes I normally wear(like cute victoria secret tanks!!) I love their stuff. Maternity stuff is too old fashioned and unneccesarily expensive. Put "maternity" on clothes and charge 3 times the price, no thanks.
Stretch marks: No changes
Sleep: I toss and turn all night, again this may have to do with the hyperthyroid. I'm still peeing once or twice a night.
Best Moment this Week: I bought the fabric for the crib bedding set and finished the blanket already!!
Movement: I notice my uterus getting hard and some bubbly type feeling but can't discern if that is just gas at this time.
Food Cravings: This week it's been water, peanuts, and strawberries.
Labor Signs: I think the uterus hardening is considered braxton hicks contractions, no real contractions.
Belly Button in or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: On, I can still freely move them so my hands aren't swelling but my shoes have been killing my feet lately.
What I am looking forward to: Hmm, having my MIL visit and go shopping with me, it's rather boring shopping alone :/
Milestones: Getting to the 2nd trimester, it feels like time is dragging...even though every one around me says it's flying by.
Congrats on hotting the 2nd tri mark!!! UGH I hare poor lab techs that's the worst!!