Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We are becoming four!!!

I have been feeling very sick, very emotional, and very exhausted since Saturday. I just knew something was "off." It was early but I decided what the hey, I have FRER(First Reponse Early Results) pregnancy tests and decided Sunday morning (1/17) to take a test. There was a "faint" second line, I couldn't believe it. At the point of my first test I was 9DPO(days past ovulation), this is not common to get a positive pregnancy test result this early. Just to confirm the results I repeated the test on Monday morning and also on Tuesday morning. The lines were still light but getting darker with each test :D Today we went to the OBGYN to have them draw blood and also do a urine pregnancy test confirm our results. The test came back "POSITIVE!"

UPDATE: OB also did a quantitative blood test. At 12DPO(3w5d)my HCG was 156 and at 14DPO(4w0d)it was 406 so it more than doubled which is what my OB wanted to see.

We are having a baby and our EDD is 10.03.10

Keep us in your prayers for a happy & healthy baby in 9months :D

Friday, January 8, 2010

OPK Update

Ok, so now I'm very glad I tested with my "first morning urine(FMU)." I had one more positive OPK in the early afternoon(around 1:30pm) and then negative in the evening(8:00pm). I must have had my surge sometime after my last test the night before and could have possibly missed it. If you are testing and seeing tests that are almost positive before you go to bed, I would advise testing with your FMU the next day in case your surge is as short as mine was.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ovulation Test Positive!

Yay, they actually work. I don't know why I'm just so happy to see a positive OPK test. I will test until its negative or my temperature reflects I do indeed ovulate in 12-36hrs. So baby dancing for Nolan and I will continue through the weekend.
Normally you aren't suppose to use "first morning urine" for the ovulation tests but my test last night was soooo close to positive I thought it was best I test this morning since I could miss it. We will see as the day go on how long my LH surge lasts.

Wish us luck!

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