Friday, February 24, 2012

It's been one of those months....

It has been a very challenging past month for us emotionally, physically, and financially. We have had to make some very tough decisions regarding our family. There were times my husband and I weren't sure what were going to do, or if the decisions we were making were the correct ones. On top of dealing with family issues a few business problems arose.

I don't want to go into depth with some of the issues, but you may rest assured that most of them have been resolved.

A situation that ended up being positive is that we are moving into a house! We are still leasing, but it will be our first house. After all the drama, I'm finally getting pretty excited. Also, we will be closer to my husbands work. Closer to our family and friends. Hopefully, moving closer to a school we are trying to get my daughter into.


I also had to share this photo. Seeing the two amazing role models my daughter has to look up to. I worry a little less knowing that they are in her life. She's getting at that age where she has to have a solid foundation with her family.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

And the winner is....

Entry # 311- Gemma Park!! Please email me at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 3, 2012

Self photo challenge

This was a tough challenge for me to do. I don't like taking pictures of myself, I'm not comfortable in front of the camera. There is maybe ONE picture a year, that I approve to be shown to people. In that ONE picture, I usually prefer the one's that I'm wearing sunglasses in.

Well, I will just have to get over it!


Obsessing over…

My new camera! I'm soaking in as much information as I can so I can get the most out of my camera.

Working on…

So much sewing to do. I love what I do, to some it seems like a lot of work, but I like to keep myself busy. I also love seeing happy customers.

Thinking about…

What to do tonight, I think we will go for a walk.


Our tax refund. It should be here any day. My power steering pump broke and we have to wait for our tax money to get it fixed. That and we are paying off a lot of debt. So I'm happy about that.

Listening to…

Parker singing jibberish, while looking at himself in the mirror.


I just finished eating a bowl of cheez-its. YUMMY!


That I could not feel so bad about giving myself ME time. "Me time" is one of my New Year's resolutions and I know to keep going the way that I do, I have to spend time on myself. Even typing this sounds selfish. I need help changing the way I think about that.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cloth Diaper Giveaway!

Welcome to the Valentines Day Giveaway Hop! I'm still working on my business blog so I'm hosting my giveaway on my family blog.

Winner receives:

1. A Combo (AI2/pocket) cloth diaper from Bohemian Baby Couture.


2. A matching shirt personalized with YOUR childs name and initial(style will be similar to the one pictured.)

3. One dozen assorted cloth wipes.



International entries are accepted in this giveaway! :)

There are a lot more blogs participating in the Valentine's Day Giveaway Hop. Click on the above link for more information.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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