Today Parker is 35 weeks old. 35 weeks is the number of weeks I carried Parker in the womb.
The first time I found out I was pregnant and the first time I met my baby boy
Positive pregnancy test: 1/17/10
Parker's birthday:8/31/10
Parker's first ultrasound at 6 weeks and pictures of Parker at 6 weeks old
6 week ultrasound: 2/9/10
6 weeks old: 10/12/10
12 week ultrasound: 3/24/10
12 weeks old: 11/23/10
Parker's 18 week gender ultrasound, my 18 week belly photo and Parker at 18 weeks old.
18 week ultrasound: 5/1/10
18 weeks old: 1/4/11
Parker's 22 week fetal echocardiogram ultrasound. Parker had extra ultrasounds because during his 12 week ultrasound they noticed he had an increase in fluid around his nuchal fold and he had hydrophrenosis(increased fluid in his kidneys.) Sometimes this combination could be related to a potential heart malformation, but Parker's heart looked perfect!
22 week ultrasound: 5/28/10
22 weeks old: 2/1/11
Parker's 28 week ultrasound and the last ultrasound I had and Parker's 28 week photos.
28 week ultrasound: 7/5/10
28 weeks old: 3/15/11
My last picture pregnant with Parker. The day before Parker arrived.
35 weeks pregnant: 8/30/10
35 weeks old: 5/3/11
What a neat thing to do! And such a cute little man.